Custom Decorative Box CIRCLE Shape

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Please send me the photo that you would like me to transfer onto fabric for the lid of this CIRCULAR box.  In addition to hand painting the box, I will adorn the box with border trim on the top, sides of the top lid and also around the perimeter of the sides of the box.  I will use coordinating colors to enhance and match the picture that you send me and make the box as beautiful as I possibly can. 🙂 The dimensions of this oval box are 3  inches x 3 inches x 1.5 inches.   Send your image or photo to:  [email protected] (Please understand that these boxes are NOT perfect.  They may have some stray paint on the inside lid or the ribbon may not be evenly adhered.  The fact that they are handmade makes them unique,  and adds to the vintage/antique vibe.   I hope you enjoy this decorative cardboard box to store your favorite jewelry piece or treasured trinket.  They also make great gifts either on their own, or to put a special gift inside.)

Sharing is caring.
Behold Jewelry & Designs - West Hartford, CT
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