Cigarette Butt Earrings

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Do you love cigarettes, but you can’t smoke them anymore because they are hazardous to your health?  Wear these earrings on the anniversary of your quit date.  Or maybe you get set up on a blind date and you don’t want a second one…these earrings can help.  These tacky, but adorable plastic earrings are a total length of almost 2 and 1/2 inches.  The unscented cigarette butts themselves are 1 and 5/8 inches long each and are the same circumference as real cigarettes.    They have a faint glow to the tip as if they are slightly smoldering.  The French style ear wires are silver toned and nickle free and they are adorned with red and black glass Czech beads.

Availability: 10 in stock

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Behold Jewelry & Designs - West Hartford, CT
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